Leptin is a hormone of adipose tissue and is mainly synthesized by adipocytes. Leptin is involved in the regulation of food intake. The concentration of leptin in the circulation is essentially determined by the body fat mass.

The Mediagnost Mouse/Rat ELISA is calibrated against the international standard NIBSC 97/626. The main test characteristics are listed in the table below. Further information can be found in the package insert. If you have any special requirements or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us personally by email or phone.

Mouse/Rat Leptin ELISA
Product number E06
Regulatory status RUO
Reference material NIBSC 97/626
Incubation period 3h
Antibody Mouse
Standard recom. Leptin
Assay Range
0,01 – 8
Samples Serum
& Plasma
Sample dilution 1:5
analyt. Sensitivity
Intra-/Interassay Variance [%] <10
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